1:28 p.m. on April 28, 2004
Yesterday we had a flash storm. It is usually very mild here in Seattle, so it is always exciting when any strong weather conditions occur. It was a perfectly sunny day, but you could see something brewing off in the distance. I work near lake union & those fortunate enough to have offices with a view said they could see a storm approaching; distant lightening. I was skeptical, but then sure enough the sky darkened and I could hear the boom of thunder and the clatter of hail on the tin roof. It subsided a bit as I went outside to my car to go home. As soon as I stepped outside, I looked up and saw an enormous bald eagle flying toward me. He was flying into the wind, so he had his wings cocked just right to be able to float there in the air. He was directly over my head, just about 20 feet above. I had a perfect view of his body, majestic wingspan and beautiful white head. I held my breath for the full minute that he was in sight and then the crows started to chase him. With one beat of his magnificent wings he was off & the building obscured him. I almost walked out into the traffic to see him again, but alas, he was gone. I considered this prestigious sighting a good omen. On the way home, I caught up with the storm & was amazed by the lightening streaks and the strength of the wind. Ice pelted my windshield as I drove through streets littered with branches and tree limbs. I made it home in time to see a rainbow in the foreground with black clouds on the horizon.

Space Holder. - February 12, 2012

BEAUTIFUL BOY - August 26, 2011

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