Too early
2:13 p.m. on January 31, 2005

I had to come in to work an hour early today for a meeting. Getting up BEFORE the sun is not my idea of cool. I suppose if I could be the kind of person who gets up at 5:30 am everyday for a morning jog, all of my problems would be solved, but sleep is my preferred method of existing.

The morning just had an odd feel about it. While I was warming up my car in the still dark driveway, the wind was ripping through the air. I sat and watched the many tall trees sway ferociously as I waited for a big chunk of one to fall on my head. It did not happen, so I began my commute. The clouds were racing across the sky and the birds were going crazy. There was a pack of crows and a group of seagulls flying in maniacal zigzags and then I saw the waning moon, cut perfectly in half, dying slowly.

My throat is scratchy from an oncoming illness and I was worried about needing to sneeze during the two and a half hour meeting. My fears were confirmed when the need to sneeze was confounded by another meeting attendee wearing far too much flowery perfume. I tried to move away from her, but she kept following me around the table.

Now I just have 2 hours and 50 minutes left of my workday. The sun is out, the wind has slowed and the moon is gone from sight.

Space Holder. - February 12, 2012

BEAUTIFUL BOY - August 26, 2011

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