4:22 p.m. on April 24, 2006

In a surprising turn of events, the sun came out this weekend, they sky was blue & temperatures were warm. Thousands of Seattleites were seen stumbling around and rubbing their eyes, not used to the brightness all around them.

Our good friend was in town staying at our other good friend�s house and the 5 of us spent virtually the entire weekend together. We started out with consuming mass amounts of food & drink on Friday followed by some poker playing. Then on Saturday we all piled into my Buick and drove to South Washington for a wedding, where free food and much hard booze consumptables were consumed. We ended the evening with more dice and card games and overindulged in ice cream, popcorn, doughnuts and more alcohol. The next day we all took giant poops.

Weddings are weird. This was for a friend that is more on the outer edges of what is considered a good friend, becoming more what is known as an acquaintance. This is the second wedding of hers we had attended; the first being many years ago when she was pretty young and had fallen for a poetry spewing twerp who is long gone. Her last wedding had a white trash Goth theme, so there was a definite upgrade this time around. I was glad we went, but was ready to go almost as soon as we got there and skeedaddled seconds after the cake was served. It was great to see my friend who flew in for the event as he recently left Seattle for the greener pastures of California and I missed him. We got a little taste of old times and it was nice.

Space Holder. - February 12, 2012

BEAUTIFUL BOY - August 26, 2011

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