My brother the Pope
11:20 a.m. on June 30, 2004
After 6 months of horrible red rash & itchy mess, hundreds of dollars, doctor visits, biopsies, patch tests, ointments, nasty medications and many miserable nights, the rash just went away on it�s own & the itching has decreased by 50%. After layers of my skin fell off in a snowstorm of white flakes, I now have new skin, softer than ever. I am more white/pink now as well, since my freckles fell off, too. I guess it is the miracle we were waiting for, but until the itching totally stops, I am not making any leaps of faith.

I am fatigued from trying to get the house ready for my brother�s visit and also for being so susceptible to anxiety, I cannot sleep a wink! Plus, I was really dumb yesterday when I went for a long walk around the lake, I forgot my sunscreen, so my new skin will be cancerous next. I also wore the wrong shoes, a pair of black on black low top Chuck Taylor�s, which are not made for walking and gave me two huge blisters, one on the bottom of EACH foot. So now I am hobbling around trying to paint the kitchen & clean the floors & getting even more behind when I should be really getting down to business as he arrives tomorrow night. He is arriving via road trip with his 12-year old son, Eli & his wife arrives via airline with their ten-month old son, Ezra. I hope my cats do not attack the baby, as they have never seen a tiny human before. I am thrilled they are coming, as it will be his first time visiting me since I moved to Seattle 8.5 years ago. They are really coming for a wedding of their friend, but I will take what I can get. For being antisocial, I am an excellent hostess. My brothers� name is John Paul like the pope & he was born on the fourth of July. He is the middle child and lives and breathes the complex that comes with such a thing. Plus, he was born with a disease that causes Compulsive Lying, but I will save that for a post on another day.

Space Holder. - February 12, 2012

BEAUTIFUL BOY - August 26, 2011

COUNTDOWN - July 13, 2011

SEXAY - June 16, 2011


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