Old Lasagne
11:34 a.m. on December 30, 2004

New years Eve is about getting drunk. I don�t think there has ever been a single New Years Eve, where I did not go to a party and drink. This includes all my years as a kid, because my parents had a party every year to ring it in with celebration. There was always about a thousand bottles of champagne out on the deck to chill in the winter night, which made it easy access for us kids to steal a few bottles for ourselves. The adults never noticed, because they were already drunk. When midnight finally rolled around, we would take every single pot and pan out of the cupboards and with total abandon, bang them with wooden spoons. The point was to make as much racket as possible to encourage the year to be a good one. The adults would set off firecrackers and fireworks and then after a few minutes we would all roll back inside for another toast.

One New Years at my parents house when I was about 15 years old, I had a few friends spend the night. One of them had swiped some grass from her folks, so we went out to the back of my house to smoke some. This was my first time getting high, plus all the champagne did not help. At one point I tried to work the VCR to replay the MTV NYE party. I kept hitting the power button then the play button. Power power power. Play play play. But nothing happened. We finally gave up citing the VCR must be busted, but of course it worked fine in the morning.

My worst drunken New Years was 1998 when I was drinking large glasses of vodka cran. I ended up tongue kissing my best friends, Aimee & Tim & then tried to take a �nap� with Aimee�s boyfriend. That was the night I almost died, because I remember nothing after the cab dropped me off home. I woke up to my studio bathed in vomit and about 4 knots on my scull.

I think this year will be a little mellower with a bit of party hopping. I am glad it is on a Friday night, because I am going to take full advantage of my guest-free weekend with no responsibilities other than to my own sleep replenishment. YES!

Happiness to all! Stay alive in �05!

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