3:37 p.m. on August 23, 2007

Aimee, my best friend in Seattle got pregnant just 3 months ahead of me. I was quite jealous at first, especially since I had been trying for so long, but when my urine turned blue on the pee stick a few months later, I was excited we were in this together. She has forged the road ahead of me and clued me into the different stages: the barfy first trimester, the much easier second trimester and the growing discomfort of the third trimester.

Her due date is August 24th, so we made it a priority to hang out last weekend in case it was our last time to ever be pregnant ladies together, even though she was sure her son was going to arrive much later.

Well, I am the only one of us still pregnant today, as her water broke at 8:45 am on Tuesday and her son was born 24 hours and one minute later on 8/22, right on the cusp of Leo and Virgo.

I got to see him on his very first day on earth and I have never seen any baby more gorgeous. My eyes welled up as I held him and everything just seems so unbelievable.

Welcome, little guy, your friend will be here soon.

Space Holder. - February 12, 2012

BEAUTIFUL BOY - August 26, 2011

COUNTDOWN - July 13, 2011

SEXAY - June 16, 2011


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