9:22 a.m. on March 09, 2006

Nothing happened. We got a tiny sprinklage of white and it was a little windy, but that�s it. It is quite cold, however, and our furnace did decide to crap out, so freezing for the last 14 hours is something.

On my long drive in to work this morning (I took side roads because the freeway was again backed up black) I saw a metro worker putting NO SMOKING signs on the bus stops that marks a 25 foot radius around the bus stop as a no smoking zone. I had to smile, because it makes sense, but it is going to piss smokers the freak out. The timing is interesting, just days after the death of Dana Reeves at 44 years old from Lung Cancer that could have been caused by second hand smoke.

I have a combination headache from work stress and from sleeping in the freezing cold. I have a leg cramp & back ache, because Sasha and our two cats huddled on top of me all night for warmth. I have a bellyache from all the Sushi I ate last night & I am in a panic thinking about all the stuff I have to do today at work before I have to bail at 2:00 pm to meet the furnace guy.

Someone just burnt some toast.

I would be in a better mood if I did not let the weather guys get my damn hopes up.

Have a nice day.

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